Liina Karlson has acquired a Master’s degree in Law at Tallinn University of Technology and a Master’s degree in IT-Law at University of Tartu. In addition, Liina has a vocational degree in virtual trade. Liina has participated in numerous trainings on the fields of law, information technology, and accounting. Liina is a member of the Estonian Lawyers Association. Liina has lots of counselling experience in taxation, labour, union, transport, insurance, and debt law. Moreover, she has specialised in IT law.
2015 – … Themis Õigusbüroo OÜ, lawyer and partner
2007 – 2014 Grant Thornton Rimess OÜ, tax and law adviser
2004 – 2007 Tax and Customs Board, Chief Specialist, Information Department
Matek won the very long court case against largest insurance company of Sweden (published on 23.02.2018 – http://www.ehitusuudised.ee/uudised/2018/02/26/matek-voitis–aastatepikkuses-vaidluses-rootsi-suurimat-kindlustusandjat)
Prohibited loans of a company, its violation, consequences and possible tax risks (published on 16.07.2012 – http://www.rmp.ee/ettevotlus/kasulik/ariuhingu-laenukeeld-selle-rikkumine-tagajarjed-ja-voimalikud-maksuriskid-2012-07-16)