Extrajudicial debt proceedings

When collecting debts, it is reasonable and rational to start with reaching an agreement.

If extrajudicial proceedings are not resultant (i.e. the debtor avoids any kind of cooperation or refuses to pay the debt), it is possible to continue at the court or some other institution that resolves disputes.

The procedure includes:

  • processing information and checking the debtor’s background;
  • making contact with the debtor;
  • compiling the debt-claim and sending it to the debtor’s address(es);
  • sending regular reminders to the debtor (e.g. with the frequency of four times a week);
  • giving feedback to the client’s inquiries;
  • if possible, concluding a compromise with the debtor, for example, creating a schedule of payments.

The price for extrajudicial debt collection service starts from EUR 250.