IT law

IT stands out for its socio-economic impact and dynamism, it is above borders and areas of activity.

This all includes legal aspects: judicial space, legal certainty, data protection and IT security, legal protection, deterrence and frightening activity.

IT law includes:

  • Provisional IT contracts (protocol of joint intentions, confidential information protection contract, agreement of general cooperation principles)
  • Main IT contracts (development contract, distribution or resale contract, maintenance contract, source code deposit contract)
  • Protection of intellectual property:
    • copyrights (literary, art, and scientific works, including computer software, source code, database, user interface, user manual, etc.)
    • related rights (performer, producer of phonograms, the producer of film’s first fixation, etc.)
    • industrial property (trademark, industrial design, patent, profitable model, geographical mark, topology of micro switch)
  • Data protection (including personal data protection)

In addition to the previous, the activity of an IT company is also closely related to the following fields of activity:

  • foreign capital engagement;
  • public support measures;
  • labour law;
  • contract law;
  • corporate law;
  • tax law;
  • public procurement law;
  • competition law;
  • business secret protection.